Associated Companies

In order to improve its technical capacities, IDCG associates in the form of joint ventures or associations with reputable consulting firms from South Africa, Africa, Kenya, the United States, Mozambique and Kuwait. to fulfill its mandate of high-quality delivery.

The associated companies are as follows according to the specialties:

BusinessSpecialty AreaCountry
DAAR Engineering Inc Program managementUSA
GHC AfricaProject management;South Africa
ARUP AfricaAirport, Civil and StructuresSouth Africa
Talbot and TalbotWastewater treatment plants and the environmentSouth Africa
CBI Consulting EngineersWater, sewer and wastewater treatment South Africa
HTC Health ConsultantHospital and biomedical engineeringMozambique
Wanjohi Consulting EngineersRoads and highwaysKenya
INCO ENG.Roads and highwaysKuwait
CECBOMRoads and highwaysAfrica
COTOPRoads and highwaysMozambique
Bentel InternationalArchitectsSouth Africa
DASAN ConsultantsRoads and highwaysSouth Africa
Dohwa EngineeringRoads, Highways, Water, sewer and wastewater treatmentSouth Korea
TECHNIPLAN International ConsultingRoads and highwaysItaly
SNA Civil and Structural EngineersRoads and highwaysSouth Africa
Getinsa Eurostudio EngineeringRoads and highwaysSpain
ICS Engineering and environmentRoads and highwaysUganda

Research and Development

IDCG Engineering Services conducts the following research and development in roads, buildings, dams and geo-technical engineering.

  • Material quality testing;
  • Design, evaluation and monitoring of pavements;
  • Preparation of national standards, specifications and manuals;
  • Independent evaluation of new products and components from manufacturers of specialized materials;
  • Pavement analysis
  • Cost-effective maintenance techniques for roads

Areas Of Specialization

IDCG Engineering Services provides consulting services in all disciplines of civil engineering and architecture. Some of the main areas of specialization include: 

Buildings And Structures

  1. Office buildings, residential houses
  2. Colleges, schools and churches
  3. Warehouses, workshops and rooms
  4. Hospitals and hotels
  5. Malls
  1. Urban and rural roads, planning, design and supervision
  2. Traffic Analysis and Transportation Studies
  3. Bridges
  4. Marine, Ports and Ports
  5. Airports / aerodromes and container depots
  6. Gas stations
n/a IDCG has twenty-two (22) years of leadership in the road sector in Southern and Eastern Africa and internationally. It is the group’s leading business in terms of volume of activity. The group provides you with all the skills on all road-related themes, from setting up projects to operating networks. Its size allows it to tackle large projects and adapt to increasingly tight deadlines. Thanks to its level of expertise, IDCG has the capacity to carry out exceptional works, such as the New Highway from Kampala-Busega to Mpigi in Uganda. The road is one of the areas where IDCG innovates the most and develops unique tools to help you achieve the objectives expected today on infrastructure projects: these must be safer, more readable, more respectful of the environment, particularly in Southern Africa where upgrading the aging road network is a major challenge. In the ten or so countries where IDCG is established, the modernization of networks or the creation of new infrastructures are also essential steps for the development of a large number of regions. For all the projects that you entrust to us, the group relies on its permanent capacity to innovate to reduce the ecological footprint of the routes, promote their landscape integration, take into account societal issues, develop inter-modality, improve service to users and road safety, without forgetting the essential issue of safety on construction sites. The digital model at the service of infrastructure projects. In order to optimize the execution times and the quality of projects, in the studies and works phase, IDCG is a pioneer of concurrent engineering in infrastructure projects. He actively participates in research projects for the development of BIM in infrastructures at the African level, two driving projects in the development of the interoperability of the data necessary for the multiplication of digital exchange platforms.
The last decades have seen the rapid development of information and communication technologies and their application to transport (ITS), opening up new perspectives in terms of mobility. IDCG closely follows these developments and is part of various working groups bringing together construction and transport stakeholders to define priority research axes, intended to maximize research and innovation within the African Union.

Road safety has long been a major concern for the group.

Recently, within a PIARC (World Road Association) technical committee bringing together road safety experts, IDCG participated in the development of a best practice guide for the design of safer roads.

This guide takes the human factor into account in its recommendations: useful for understanding difficult design areas, this study is intended for interurban roads where the most accidents occur, but also for highways and urban roads.

IDCG is also competent in the field of road operation and maintenance: the group operates and maintains roads or highways in 15 different countries across Africa.

In recent years, the taking into account of sustainable development has been approached in a global manner on all our road projects, whether it concerns design or work monitoring. Guidelines as important as the preservation of the resource, biodiversity, the overall cost of construction with its use and the influence on the economy of the territory or the intermodality of transport modes are at the center of our concerns. 

For more than 20 years, IDCG has provided its expertise throughout the life cycle of the project to operate and maintain major structures, road infrastructures and tunnels. IDCG has also developed a unique experience in the operation of motorway tolls integrating all means of payment: cash, bank card, and especially electronic toll (electronic toll), with or without barrier (“free flow”). These infrastructures are operated through long-term contracts, either as part of a PPP or concession, or as part of service contracts with a public authority. IDCG deploys innovative services in ecology, asset management and digital technology in order to optimize the management of infrastructures, the sustainable development of territories and the common interest. IDCG operates and maintains 44 roads and highways in 20 different countries, or nearly 4,400 km traveled daily by 3,500,000 vehicles. The group has a strong expertise in tunnel operation with a total of 81 km of tunnels operated. Our expertise in road operation and maintenance Our subsidiaries bring together more than 80 people, including many experts, working in the various fields of road operations:
    • Complete toll management (manual, automatic and electronic)
    • Development and implementation of trade policies
    • Management of electronic toll customers
    • Security and traffic management (24/24 supervision, patrols, incident response)
    • Tunnel operation
    • Management of major works
    • Viability, including winter
    • Operation and maintenance of infrastructure and equipment
    • Asset management (implementation of asset management software, analysis of the state of assets, development of multi-year investment plans, programming and monitoring of heavy maintenance,)

IDCG has set up with its operating subsidiaries a network for exchanging expertise and best practices (through its “Exploitation Club”).

The quality and performance of operations are regularly audited to ensure safety, optimal service levels and good management of the infrastructure.

A company policy is deployed in the subsidiaries in terms of health and safety, human resources development, environmental performance, operational excellence, innovation and risk management to share best practices.

Our Solution

A complete range of dedicated solutions is developed with the operating companies in order to continuously optimize the operation of the infrastructures.

  • IDCG Africa’s services in urban development are carried out on several scales of development, from regions, cities, to rural areas.
  • IDCG’s multidisciplinary teams in Africa are mobilized within the framework of urban development projects, and include road engineers, civil and building engineering, environmentalists, topographers, hydrologists, geotechnicians, socio-economists, etc. IDCG has at its disposal all the skills necessary for urban and regional planning.
  • Urban planning is at the heart of development strategies in Africa. IDCG supports public order givers, urban communities, organizations under supervision, etc.) and institutions. IDCG thus provides a global and sustainable vision of land use planning within the framework of its services, from the study phase and preliminary advice to the implementation phase. Our teams ensure smart designs and manage all aspects of the layout and planning of urban spaces.

Structures, underground works and geotechnical engineering are areas of construction where risk control requires calling on the best specialists.

Geological studies and prescriptions and geotechnical, to the design and management of masterpieces, of tunnels or dams, IDCG favors a global and multidisciplinary approach to the project in a constant optimization of its technical, economic and environmental performance.

Our numerous establishments in Africa and abroad guarantee an effective proximity with our customers and an understanding of local issues, particularly in the environmental field.

The structures are designed to reduce the impacts on the natural, physical and human environments (crossing a valley, covered trench in an urban environment, etc.). If they consume resources and energy, we implement an eco-design approach based on research, LCA (life cycle analyzes), experiences in various contexts. This approach makes it possible to reduce the ecological footprint of structures, while maintaining their functionality and relevance.

The geotechnical study also makes it possible to optimize the project in terms of material consumption and thus contributes to the achievement of one of the major objectives of the profession by 2020: to re-employ or recover 100% of the natural geological materials excavated on the sites, without any external contribution.

For 30 years, IDCG has been developing its know-how in all disciplines of geology, geotechnics and materials, in the fields of linear infrastructures and complex civil engineering and building works.

More than 100 specialists are involved in the following services:`

  • Geology and hydrogeology
  • Design of structures
  • Soil / structure of earthworks
  • Earthworks geotechnics
  • Materials engineering and laboratory testing
  • Instrumentation of structures and sites
  • Pathology of structures
  • Natural hazards
  • Geophysics

IDCG’s expertise in soil and materials mechanics is reinforced by its high-performance technical means in calculations (3D finite elements in soil and rock mechanics), a COFRAC accredited laboratory (scope 1-1927 available on the; tests on soils, rocks, concrete, cements and pavement materials) and means in instrumentation and auscultation methods (sensors, static or dynamic measurements)

  • In Africa, IDCG contributes to the construction of large-scale buildings in all areas of construction, with the support of the IDCG Buildings teams, combining high added value design, project management and consulting.
  • IDCG designs, develops and controls the work of construction projects of all sizes and in all areas of the building. Our teams are involved in new construction as well as in restructuring, rehabilitation or requalification, for projects of all kinds of private and public buildings.
  • Strongly established in Africa, and equipped with all the skills and software of modern designs, IDCG in Africa is also able to mobilize, thanks to the support of IDCG specialized in building, the most advanced expertise of the group and promotes mixing. conceptual.
  • From the upstream stages of assembly and feasibility until the monitoring and acceptance of the works, IDCG provides project owners, architects and its other partners with the advice and engineering necessary for the design and construction of works. while respecting costs, deadlines and sustainable quality.

IDCG’s missions in the field of buildings in Africa cover all the services of general engineering and specialized engineering, environmental engineering, operation-maintenance engineering, consulting and support in real estate.

>> Assistance with project management:

  • Technical or financial advice on studies or works
  • Assistance with the award of works contracts
  • Scheduling – Steering – Coordination
  • Assistance with work acceptance operations

>> Direction of the execution of works contracts

>> Work supervision

>> Civil engineering studies and technical packages

  • Pre-Project Summary (APS)
  • Detailed Pre-Project (APD)
  • Business Consultation File (DCE)
  • Execution plans for companies

>> In the following areas:

  • New projects
  • Renovations
  • Rehabilitations

>> The following buildings and equipment:

  • Sanitary, hospital, educational, sports, administrative, religious buildings, offices and housing.
  • The reputation of IDCG’s Structural Works teams in Africa has grown over the years and benefits from the capitalization of significant experience and the support of specialized subsidiaries of the IDCG group.
  • IDCG operates in Africa in all phases from design to operation of structures, with an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to projects (geotechnics, environment, structures, expertise, etc.). IDCG relies on teams of engineers and experts passionate about their profession and serving their customers.
  • IDCG designs both current works and exceptional works.
  • The current structures are bridges of relatively modest size and of usual technicality which mainly fulfill functional objectives. Their large number has enabled IDCG to standardize their design and develop suitable and economical industrial processes.

The industry and energy sectors are key factors for development in Central Africa. IDCG supports its clients in the design, monitoring and management of industrial projects (cotton ginning factories, cement works, etc.) and energy production and transport (thermal power station, hydroelectric dam, pipeline, etc.).

IDCG has a very experienced topography unit in Africa within its Design Office, with all the skills and equipment enabling it to carry out the following activities:
  • Precision polygonation.
  • Surveys in an aquatic site.
  • Surveys on land.
The topographic unit of IDCG in Africa is involved in all phases of our projects, both in studies and works control. The topographic unit of IDCG in Africa is also competent for the implementation of GIS, for example on the Busega-Mpigi highway in Uganda. n/a

 Road layout:

  • New layout.
  • Development of existing track.
  • Development of flat and uneven intersections.
  • Security fittings. 

Urban planning:

  • Road development
  • Roads and Miscellaneous Networks


  • Traffic modeling.
  • Road master plan.
  • Sanitation of the physical environment.
  • Hydraulic dimensioning of structures.
  • River hydraulics.
  • Collinear dams and reservoirs.
  • Irrigation and drainage

IDCG’s environment un in Africa, within its Design Office, is qualified and approved by MINEPDED, to carry out the following missions:

>> Conduct of studies.

  • environmental impact study
  • environmental audit
  • risk study
  • feasibility study of environmental projects
  • eco balance
  • life cycle analysis
  • environmental diagnosis

>> Advice on sustainable management of natural resources.

>> Control, monitoring and environmental project management.

>> Training and environmental awareness of social actors.

>> Monitoring of changes in environmental quality indicators.

Our jobs:

Environmental and social impact study

IDCG is approved in Africa by different Ministries of the Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) to carry out Environmental and Social Impact Studies (ESIA).
The ESIA is a systematic process intended to identify, predict and assess the effects of projects on their biological, physical and social environment.
In the practice of ESIA, the focus is on preventing, reducing or compensating for the adverse effects of the project. The ESIA therefore aims to propose corrective actions to avoid, mitigate or compensate for these harmful effects on the environment.

Thus, all the ESIAs carried out by IDCG consider the specific context of each project and take into account the nature of the work to be carried out. With this in mind, when carrying out the ESIA, our experts deploy a rigorous methodology to:

  • Identify the elements of the biological, physical and social environment that will be affected by the project and for which an ecological and / or public concern is manifested;
  • Analyze mitigation measures, monitoring, budget requirements and possibly capacity building requirements;
  • Propose measures to improve, reduce and eliminate these impacts;
  • Propose accompanying measures with a view to improving the living environment of neighboring populations;
  • Identify the people affected through their private or socio-collective properties and propose a Compensation and Resettlement Plan if necessary.

This whole process makes it possible to:

  • Provide decision-makers with information on the consequences of the planned activities for the environment;
  • Promote sustainable development by taking appropriate reduction or enhancement measures.

To make development sustainable, the burden of environmental impacts must be reduced. These impacts are more complex, more important by their scale and have heavier potential effects depending on the complexity / specificity of the project and the sensitivity of its setting.

This is why the ESIA is of fundamental importance in development decision-making.

In many projects, this process also serves as a planning tool to promote sustainable development by integrating environmental considerations.


IDCG has twenty years of leadership in the road sector in Africa and internationally. It is the group’s leading business in terms of volume of activity.

The group provides you with all the skills on all road-related themes, from setting up projects to operating networks.

Its size allows it to tackle large projects and adapt to increasingly tight deadlines. Thanks to its level of expertise, IDCG has the capacity to carry out exceptional works, such as the New Coastal Route, being designed in Reunion Island.

The road is one of the areas where IDCG innovates the most and develops unique tools to help you achieve the objectives expected today on infrastructure projects: these must be safer, more readable, more respectful of the environment, especially in Europe where upgrading the aging road network is a major challenge.

In the hundred or so countries where IDCG is established, the modernization of networks or the creation of new infrastructures are also essential steps for the development of a large number of regions.

For all the projects that you entrust to us, the group relies on its permanent capacity to innovate to reduce the ecological footprint of the routes, promote their landscape integration, take into account societal issues, develop inter-modality, improve service to users and road safety, without forgetting the essential issue of safety on construction sites.

IDCG Engineering and Management Services is a division of the International Development Consultants Group (IDCG Group) and IDCG is a company incorporated in Swaziland in 1998. IDCG Group has associated companies in Kenya, Kuwait, Europe, South Korea, in South Africa and the United States.

IDCG is registered and has operations in other SADC countries such as Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa.

IDCG is licensed to provide professional consulting services in various disciplines of engineering, architecture and management. So, this is the trading name IDCG Engineering and Management. This profile refers to the Engineering Services Division whose main operations are as follows:

  • Consulting Engineers :
    • Civil
    • Structural
    • Mechanical
    • Electric 
  • Architecture and interior design services
  • Construction management
  • Program management
  • Project management, and
  • Engineering training

Geotechnical engineering

Vision, Mission And Values

Our vision

Our vision is to be the leading force for quality, innovation, excellence and efficiency in Africa in engineering services in our area of ​​operations for the benefit of Customers. 

Our Mission

Our commitment is to inspire change by igniting the power of proven engineering principles so that people and organizations achieve what matters most to customers in the construction industry by striving for satisfaction. of staff and shareholders. 


Our values ​​are integrity, excellence, efficiency, responsibility, efficiency, innovation and intellectual rigor, work of the highest quality, professionalism, reliability, responsibility and loyalty.


At IDCG Engineering Services, we are committed to excellence.

Our goals are to achieve complete Customer satisfaction with each project by putting the needs of the Customer and our determination and willingness to act as a servant of each customer has evolved into a companywide policy.

Our efforts are aimed at earning and maintaining customer trust and respect, rather than focusing on our bottom line.

Since our creation, the development of key employees has been a priority. Employees are selected for their integrity, loyalty and unique individual abilities. The team is made up of rigorously trained professionals from various institutions who are committed to defending the values ​​of the IDCG.

We feel extremely fortunate for the variety of opportunities that will be available to us. The new millennium will continue to see IDCG Engineering Services at the forefront of the construction industry as professionals.

At IDCG Engineering Services, we invite you to come join us together in this exciting future. We are called to make a difference in the execution of projects.

Architecture And Urban Planning

IDCG being an African international development consultancy firm is positioned to meet the development needs and unique condition of Africa.

With all the necessary resources, we are able to mobilize and react to the development of the situation in a very short time. We are able to bring to the project a range of local knowledge, encompassing the constraints and opportunities, and the cultural, climatic and financial context in which the projects will be perceived. IDCG is able to complement, where appropriate, existing local resources with the input of essential specialists from international sources within our own international and regional associates.

This ability has a double advantage. First of all, it uses and develops known relationships and working methods; second, it provides an invaluable opportunity for local staff to develop existing and new skills as well as provide a vehicle for technology transfer.

IDCG offers extensive experience, proven ability and knowledge in a variety of specialized projects in administration, retail, commercial, tourism, industrial, educational, hospital and airport design.

 IDCG design approach aims to ensure successful, profitable and profitable projects that are environmentally friendly and financially viable, using the highest innovative design standards. The use of three-dimensional visualization and modeling is an essential part of the design process.

Through its resources, IDCG’s expertise and experience includes the following:

  • Conceptualization of development, identification of land and evaluation of projects;
  • Financial services, structuring of project finance and documentation and procurement of project finance;
  • Architectural development managed the design and construction, resulting in reduced construction times, fixed prices and early returns on investment.
  • Project assessment, land use planning and customer needs analysis;
  • Computer aided design using Autodesk, Archicad, Silicon graphics Reflex technologies and 3D Studio;
  • Design and construction of turnkey consortia;
  • Architectural project designs, interior design and spatial planning aimed at responding to public awareness with innovative design.
  • Master in development planning aimed at site planning and regeneration of areas using architecture, urban design and landscape design,
  • Identification of opportunities and realization of bankable projects

Other Special Services

The objective of IDCG Engineering Services is to improve the quality of workmanship and the quality of materials in the construction industry.

The strength and quality of a building structure depends on the quality of the materials and the workmanship used to carry out the work.

The objectives of IDCG Engineering Services are to ensure that projects are designed according to international standards and the art of construction and to ensure that the materials, resources and all other facilities necessary for the execution projects have the necessary characteristics required by the construction standard and specifications. We make sure that the structures are 100% adapted to local conditions.

During the planning, pre-concepts and design process of a project, we make sure that the quality comes first, followed by the cost which is optimized and then the time must be kept to a minimum.

We provide a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for the projects.

During the construction stage, we carry out a constant system of quality control for the materials used, execution and cost optimization keeping in mind that the time allocated to each activity is kept to a minimum.

We do not neglect the economic conditions that prevail in the current period, short term or long term. We all work; we involve the Client at every stage of the project. A maintenance plan is established and the required training is carried out to ensure that the objectives of the project are fully achieved. We also provide post-project consultation services whenever needed.

In order for an existing building structure to be maintained, we carry out appraisals, assessments and site surveys. We carry out the quality assessment of the materials used during the construction process to find out whether or not the construction has been carried out to standard specifications and the art of construction and make our recommendations accordingly.

IDCG Engineering Services has the human resources and modern equipment to carry out training programs inside or outside the company’s premises.

IDCG Engineering Services, under the Engineering Training Division of IDCG, received a training program for engineers and technicians from the Ministry of Works, Provinces, Regions,

Municipalities, Contractors and Consultants.

Our clients include engineers, technicians and project managers from government, municipalities, consulting engineers, contractors and road agencies such as the following organizations: 

Government organizations:

  • Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Swaziland
  • the Mozambique Roads Agency;
  • Malawi Roads Authority;
  • Zambia Road Development Agency;
  • the Tanzania Roads Authority;
  • the Mauritius Road Authority;
  • Namibia Roads Authority;
  • Roads Agency for Uganda;


  • Manzini City Council;
  • Mbabane municipal council;
  • Nhlangano City Council;
  • Matsapha City Council;
  • Siteki City Council;

Consulting engineers:

  • ZMCK Consulting Engineers; Swaziland
  • Consulting engineers from CEAS; Swaziland
  • Stcs consulting engineers; Swaziland
  • COTOP consulting engineers; Mozambique
  • Technica consulting engineers; Mozambique
  • CONSULTANT Consulting engineers; Mozambique

Entrepreneurs for Swaziland:

  • Duvan developers;
  • Root building;
  • Impumelo Construction;
  • 26 other small entrepreneurs for Swaziland

Management Of Construction And Project Development

Effective project management is the key to project success. The depth and level of professional resources on which our clients are able to draw provides them with a customer-focused, comprehensive and efficient service. Our commitment is achieved through a flexible approach, by mixing the skills and resources that allow us to carry out projects.

Specific projects requiring a reduced value of the participation of the main contractor, allows the appointment of a construction manager. The construction manager will break the project into smaller, more logical packages and manage them on behalf of the client.

The advantages of construction management are:

  • Implementation of work package suites for local entrepreneurs
  • Greater control over P&G contractors, resulting in lower costs
  • Greater flexibility to process customer initiated changes at minimal costs if changes are required
  • Reduce costs through greater control over business contractors
  • No increase on subcontractors

A decade of project management has given IDCG particular expertise in:

  • Identification and management of the site of the acquisition process
  • Creation of business plans and tailor-made development assessments for real estate development
  • Project funding
  • Act as a representative of the lender and / or employer in the context of development projects
  • Management of the pre-construction development process
  • Business planning and hosting strategies

Effective monitoring of construction costs is only part of the cost management equation. Costs need to be controlled and managed at every stage of the development process: from planning, design and construction process, to continued operation of the project.

IDCG has steadfastly delivered projects o budget, consistently saving our clients funds well in excess of our costs, while ensuring timely and successful project completion. Our skills include:

  • A systematic and proactive approach to budget management
  • Regular review meetings to monitor cost implications
  • Value engineering
  • Life cycle cost
  • Business management
  • Cost and schedule reporting systems

Each of these disciplines impacts the others as such, our integration offers significant benefits especially when considering our global reach. Most importantly, our customers can rely on a single point of contact and accountability with extensive expertise to achieve profitable strategic solutions that effectively serve their businesses.

Specialized Activities

Engineering consulting services: 

 Geo-technical and foundation engineering: 

We demonstrate competence in the following:

  • Geo-technical engineering,
  • Ground Mecanic,
  • Foundation survey and conceptions;
  • Materials analysis Laboratory management;
  • Material testing and site surveys;
  • Material specifications
  • Pavement design
  • Material quality assurance plans
  • Road management systems
  • Pavement management systems;
  • Traffic management systems;
  • Road maintenance management systems;
  • Road rehabilitation survey and design 

Professional industrial consultancy services

With the help of the Management Services Division of the CGDI, professional architectural and industrial consulting services have been established on the aforementioned projects which include:

  • Market research
  • Business plans
  • Socio-economic studies
  • Analysis of the economic and financial viability of projects
  • Socio-economic studies on the environment
  • Project executive assessment
  • Design and review of the institutional framework, and
  • Health Care Studies 

Capacity building and training:

Capacity building and training of engineers and technicians in the private and public sectors takes place in Swaziland or at the Client’s post. The training includes the following elements:

  • Project management
  • Design and management of road design and construction
  • Quality assurance of materials;
  • Geo-technical and foundation engineering
  • Ground Mecanic
  • Bridge design;
  • Quality assurance management
  • Project management
  • Construction design software
  • Concrete technology
  • Standard and special specifications
  • Traffic management
  • Labor-based road works: maintenance, construction and contracting
  • Condition of construction contracts
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Safety at work
  • Auctions
  • Road maintenance techniques

Design, supervision and management of construction, including: 

  • Preliminary and detailed designs;
  • Construction supervision;
  • Construction management;
  • Specification, quality survey and documentation of contracts
  • Material quality assurance and quality control
  • Topographic and land surveying
  • Cost 

Architectural, planning and preliminary designs:

Mainly for private developers, IDCG has prepared planning concepts, pre-development and feasibility studies for the following structures:

  • Shopping centers
  • Residential housing and townships
  • Office buildings
  • Industrial building complexes
  • Hotels and B & Bs
  • Resorts and tourist facilities
  • Educational buildings
  • Hospitals